Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is Beloved Food?

What is Beloved Food?

Beloved Food is one woman's humble research into the dynamic relationship that lives among all things that nourish us: what we put in our mouth to eat, how we "relate" to the food we put in our mouth, how we relate the food in our mouth to everything else that nourishes us, and if we let the whole Magical Manna Mystery turn us on, and light us up.

Beloved Food is the words, songs, images, services, and efforts of our desire finding their messy entangled way into the exquisite order of how we relate to one another: how we receive and how we give.


  1. Hey Jenny...this is so awesome and I am so excited to have a way to take in all of your amazing wisdom and deliciousness!!!! You are feeding me for sure and soo many others .Thank you for walking through this door and letting your beautiful wise wonderful self out into the world...

  2. Go, go get'm get'm sister!
    You are a powerhouse of love and light and humor and strength and courage and it's perfect for you to shine on and sweet'n the pot of life for us readers!
    Bless you,

  3. Hi Jen

    glad to be a part of your journey!
